Il Sole 24 Ore - The start-up Kaaja brings the blockchain into the real estate sales process

Innovation. Real estate becomes increasingly virtual even in transactions
9.05.2022 2 minuti di lettura

by Paola Pierotti

Kaaja, the proptech with over 250 thousand subscribers and dozens of auctions completed, has announced the notarization of all properties on the blockchain: each property will be associated with a digital identity, for which the blockchain will guarantee speed of use, security and transparency. All users will be able to verify the authenticity and traceability of the information online, as well as the consultation of offers, the award of properties and preliminary sales documents.

The company launched in 2021 by Dario Cardile and Paolo Castelletti offers services for owners, sellers and real estate agencies, and allows you to sell and buy properties through private, entirely digital auctions. The platform is specifically dedicated to the residential sector.

Speed, security and transparency are the keywords. The process is innovative and relies on the best technologies, integrated with the expertise of qualified agents: the formula pushes digital, but the physical component remains a constant.

Based on their experience on the US market, Cardile and Castelletti have developed a model that tries to intercept a slice of the market in which to date an estimated 800,000 transactions a year.

«Within 18 months - say the two founders - we expect to exceed one million subscribers. This is the new course of real estate and we find interest in all the players in the supply chain ». What does innovation actually mean? Each property is associated with a digital identity, within which the blockchain itself guarantees speed of use, security and transparency. Online there are all the data: from the costs of the property, ordinary and extraordinary, to the price assessments, to the registration taxes, to the costs for the deed, to the possible options if you want to buy an asset as an investment, to be re-rented.

At the moment there are about eighty offers on the platform, especially in the most dynamic and competitive markets such as those in the cities of Milan, Turin, Florence, Rome, Tuscany and Sicily.
With Kaaja real estate meets digital innovation and the simplification of the process ends up winning also in terms of customer experience: correct information, certain prices, no surprises and focus on the customer. "When a property is put up for sale, all the documents are published, with no room for surprises at the time of the deed - explain the two founders - the Italian government has not yet given a legal value to what is registered on the blockchain, but the technology guarantees the full security of the information shared and it is a certification ».

The proptech made in Italy follows the whole process up to the registration of the preliminary, «without being a notary - the partners specify - the certificate arrives in 72 hours. And real estate agents avoid queues at the revenue agency. " Thanks to an agreement signed with the latter.

Looking to the future, Kaaja does not rule out "that proptech databases can help record, monitor and transfer titles, property deeds, privileges with the guarantee that all data is accurate and verifiable". The blockchain not as a marketing tool but as a service to real customers, aimed at improving the experience and focusing on efficiency and security.



Kaaja is an Italian proptech company that has created the first platform to support real estate Servicers and Investors through solutions that support them throughout the entire management and sale process of real estate properties. The company offers an entirely innovative process through the best digital technologies and highly qualified professionals. Launched by Dario Cardile and Paolo Castelletti in February 2021, after their experience in the US market, Kaaja aims to simplify real estate sales and management in Italy.

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