HomesToPeople announces  a 1.5 million seed round of funding and becomes Kaaja

The first platform for online real estate private auctions in Italy has received a 1.5 million euro funding seed led by Sensible Capital and Club degli Investitori.

The transaction marks an important moment for the proptech startup that launches the new site and appoints Silvia Rovere, founder and CEO of Sensible Capital and president of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare, as chairman of the board.

6.09.2021 4 minuti di lettura

The proptech HomesToPeople, a real estate company and online private auctions, announces a funding round of 1.5 million euros led by Sensible Capital and Club degli Investitori. The closing of the investment operation also coincides with the rebranding of the company - which changes its name to Kaaja - and with the launch of the new website

Following the seed round and the entry of new investors, the new Board of Directors was appointed, of which Silvia Rovere, founder of Sensible Capital and President of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare, is Chairman, who believed in the project and in the team from day one, alongside the two founders Dario Cardile, who holds the role of CEO, and Paolo Castelletti, in the role of CMO. The Board of Directors is completed by Paola Bruno, who has over 25 years of experience as Investment Banker, CFO, Private Equity Managing Partner, advisor in various financial institutions between London and Milan and recently also Founder of Augmented Finance, and Maria Teresa Rangheri, with over 20 years of international experience for digital companies in the communication, travel, finance sector, former director of important companies of the Bravofly group (now, of B-Heroes and founder of Teen Talent.

Since its inception, in a few months, the company has already managed more than 20 online private auctions on properties in Rome and Milan, attracting the interest of over 100,000 customers who have booked about 600 appointments to visit them. The encouraging feedback from the market has convinced investors to believe in Kaaja which is now equipped with the necessary funding to be able to expand and operate throughout the country through direct agents and collaborations with other agencies with the aim of affirming the sale of real estate properties. through transparent and secure online auctions.

Kaaja's online auctions significantly speed up the process achieving the sale in 6/8 weeks and guarantee total transparency by making available all the documents on the properties and allowing you to view all offers. This is possible thanks to the proprietary platform, unique in Italy, developed using the best digital technologies.

The Kaaja model, in fact, plunge its roots in the need for greater transparency, efficiency and professionalism in the real estate market.

According to a recent research carried out by the startup together with the Politecnico di Milano and Italian PropTech Network, for over 70% of potential buyers, the greatest difficulties lie in finding the documentation and in knowing the real market value. In fact, the survey shows little transparency in the process of understanding costs and in the purchasing phase. For 61% of the interviewees, in fact, it is difficult to understand if their offer is in line with that of the market and for 69% to have visibility on any other offers with which to compete. The real estate market therefore needs greater transparency and simplification and this is the answer that Kaaja wants to give to the market.

In the Kabala the word Kaaja indicates a versatile nature, a strong sense of responsibility and business, able to establish lasting relationships and trust. It is a word that sums up the company's values: convenience, speed, safety and transparency.

"The funding will allow us to further invest in technology, improve our service, accelerate expansion on the Italian market, enhance marketing activities and consolidate our positioning through partnerships with strategic players. Having trustworthy and respected investors among our shareholders confirms the validity of our strategy aimed at revolutionizing a sector that is still very traditional and fragmented like the real estate one” declares Dario Cardile, Founder & CEO of Kaaja.

"Sensible Capital is excited to lead the investment round in Kaaja, an innovative start-up that offers the Italian market a completely new service, which will revolutionize traditional ways of selling homes. Kaaja will make an important contribution in terms of transparency, innovation and transaction efficiency, all objectives perfectly consistent with our DNA as an ESG investor. With this transaction, Sensible Capital confirms its mission to become a leader in the proptech sector in Italy, with an industrial and medium-term approach, strong activism and the ability to create strong commercial and product development synergies between the companies in the portfolio" declares Silvia Rovere, Founder & CEO of Sensible Capital.

“We are extremely satisfied to invest in Kaaja: a complementary and close-knit founding team, with deep digital experience and which has already operated in this specific sector, a traditional market that requires innovation, a co-investor with great skills in the proptech world. The numbers of the first months of operation confirm the quality of the project. The Investors Club will contribute to Kaaja's growth thanks to the commitment of our Champions, Marco Pandoli and Gioia Manetti, who will contribute with important skills and activate the support of the Investors Club network. Come on Kaaja!" declares Andrea Rota, Managing Director of the Investors' Club.

Sensible Capital
Sensible Capital is a consulting and holding company, founded in 2020 by the Silvia Rovere, former CEO of Morgan Stanley SGR and current president of Confindustria Assoimmobiliare. The company is focused on two closely related macro-areas. In real estate, Sensible Capital provides advisory services to property owners and investors on a national and international level. At the same time, the company operates as a venture capital investor, with the aim of becoming the first Italian operator focused on proptech and contech, integrating the long experience, know-how and network of its team in the real estate and private sectors. equity to promote innovation in real estate. Sustainability is in the DNA of Sensible Capital, which was born as a benefit company with the aim of obtaining superior returns for its customers through the combination of traditional metrics and sustainability parameters, while generating positive benefits for the environment and people.

Club degli Investitori
Club degli Investitori is an association made up of entrepreneurs who invest directly in the stakes of startups and small innovative companies with high growth potential. Club Members are far-sighted Investors who are constantly looking for capable and innovative Italian entrepreneurs. An investment through the Club is much more than money: it means the involvement of a group of people whose network of contacts and experience is worth much more than the funding itself. The Club is based in Turin and has 220 members who have invested 24 million euros in 44 companies.


Kaaja is an Italian proptech company that has created the first platform to support real estate Servicers and Investors through solutions that support them throughout the entire management and sale process of real estate properties. The company offers an entirely innovative process through the best digital technologies and highly qualified professionals. Launched by Dario Cardile and Paolo Castelletti in February 2021, after their experience in the US market, Kaaja aims to simplify real estate sales and management in Italy.

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