Home, new trends: towards the homes of the future

Inserisci sottotitolo - USA HEADING H3
31.10.2022 1 minuto di lettura

Dario Cardile, CEO and co-founder of Kaaja, states that young people, who want to buy a house today, do it to seek housing autonomy and independence and not a safe investment on the brick. 

He goes on to say that for these reasons young people prefer : "buy designer houses, small in size, with small green spaces and working areas" because young people today "love the city, while they do not like commuting and live at night. They are also interested in technological solutions associated with energy saving".

Read the full article of wewealth.com, 31/10/2022.


Kaaja is an Italian proptech company that has created the first platform to support real estate Servicers and Investors through solutions that support them throughout the entire management and sale process of real estate properties. The company offers an entirely innovative process through the best digital technologies and highly qualified professionals. Launched by Dario Cardile and Paolo Castelletti in February 2021, after their experience in the US market, Kaaja aims to simplify real estate sales and management in Italy.

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