Buying a house on the web: here is

Sensible Capital by Silvia Rovere and Club degli Investitori among shareholders of the start-up that launches the first Italian online auction website

6.09.2021 1 minuto di lettura

Online brick is an oxymoron. But buying a house on auction on the internet - of course, outside the circuit of judicial and bankruptcy auctions - is now a reality that, according to the first results on the market, is popular. The key word is: speed. Thus was born Kaaja, the first Italian website for online real estate private auctions that seems to bet on the particularly effervescent moment of the market by focusing on prestigious properties and, in the start-up phase, the "strongest" cities, Milan and Rome, with the ambition to cover medium-large cities and provinces. The first stop will probably be Turin.

The full version of the article is in Il Corriere Della Sera of 6 September 2021.


Kaaja is an Italian proptech company that has created the first platform to support real estate Servicers and Investors through solutions that support them throughout the entire management and sale process of real estate properties. The company offers an entirely innovative process through the best digital technologies and highly qualified professionals. Launched by Dario Cardile and Paolo Castelletti in February 2021, after their experience in the US market, Kaaja aims to simplify real estate sales and management in Italy.

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